
Water Quality ā€“ Water Testing at Superior Water, Light & Power

Superior Water, Light & Power provides safe, reliable and high-quality electric, water and gas service to customers in the Superior area. We have been a part of the community for more than 125 years and take seriously our responsibility to provide these services that are essential to everyday life.

We provide water service to approximately 10,000 customers within the city of Superior and operate and maintain a freshwater treatment facility to serve our customers.

The water we provide must meet all state and federal regulations, including the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and we work closely with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to monitor and ensure the safety and quality of SWL&Pā€™s drinking water.

SWL&P pulls water from Lake Superior via wells located under 12 feet of sand on the bottom of Lake Superior near Minnesota Point. The water is pumped through a series of pipes to our water treatment plant, where it is filtered, treated and monitored before it is delivered to customers. It passes through several layers of filtration media at our treatment facility before being transported through distribution water mains and delivered to homes and businesses.

Our highly skilled employees, certified water plant operators by the DNR, monitor the water on an ongoing basis and detect any water quality concerns. Water samples are taken throughout our system daily for testing at our state-certified laboratory and other outside laboratories as required. At this time, no issues have been detected and regulators have not requested any additional testing.

Results of the tests we do as part of normal operations are available at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website. The annual water quality report is available at

5/18/2018: Independent lab tests affirm safety of SWLP water

Annual Water Quality Report