
Natural Gas System Upgrade

Superior Water, Light & Power is upgrading its natural gas distribution system to ensure long-term safety and reliability. About 7,000 feet of new natural gas main will be installed and about 290 service lines will be replaced in 2024. The work will take place generally in an area between Tower Avenue (west), Hammond Avenue (east), Belknap Street (north) and N. 21st Street (south).

Our goal is to safely complete the improvements in your neighborhood with as few disruptions as possible.

What parts of Superior are affected?

Gas Upgrade Project Map

During construction, you can expect the following in your neighborhood:

  • SWL&P employees and contractors working in roadways and yards. Hanco Utilities of Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, will install the new natural gas mains and service lines under the direct supervision of SWL&P and our inspectors.
  • Underground utility locations will be mapped using locator flags and paint.
  • Construction work, including holes and trenches, in roadways, boulevards and yards. For safety, disturbed areas may be temporarily repaired prior to final restoration.

The system upgrade involves the replacement of SWL&P-owned natural gas mains and services within the road right-of-way and near the gas meter by your home or business. SWL&P should not need to enter your home or business under normal circumstances.

However, natural gas service to your home will be turned off during installation of the new service lines. If you are home, SWL&P technicians will be able to restore service and re-light your appliances immediately. If no one is home, a technician will leave the gas off until we’re able to enter to safely restore your service. We’ll leave information on how to contact us to get your service restored as quickly as possible.

Our priority is to keep disruptions to a minimum, and we expect to restore service during the switchover from the old pipe to the new pipe in a timely fashion. We’ll give you advance notice of the temporary disruption in service and will also use door hangers to keep you informed.

Call SWL&P Customer Service at 800-227-7957.