
Hammond Avenue Water System Upgrade

Superior Water, Light & Power is upgrading its water distribution system to ensure long-term safety and reliability. We are replacing old water mains and service lines with high density polyethylene pipe, also known as HDPE.

We’re upgrading our water system along part of Hammond Avenue while the City of Superior is reconstructing the roadway, sidewalks and storm sewers as part of its Hammond Avenue Reconstruction Project.

Approximately 3,000 feet of cast iron water main and 81 service lines made of galvanized steel, lead or copper will be replaced with HDPE. Valves and fire hydrants will also be replaced. Phase 1 in summer 2024 is on Hammond Avenue between Belknap Street and North 21st Street. Phase 2 in 2025 will be between North 21st Street and North 28th Street along Hammond Avenue.

Our goal is to safely complete the improvements with as few disruptions as possible.

What parts of Superior are affected?

Gas Upgrade Project Map

During construction, you can expect the following in your neighborhood:

  • SWL&P employees and contractors working in roadways and yards. James Peterson Sons, Inc. of Medford, Wisconsin, will install the new water mains and service lines under the direct supervision of SWL&P and our inspectors.
  • Underground utility locations will be mapped using locator flags and paint.
  • Construction work, including holes and trenches, in roadways, boulevards and yards. For safety, disturbed areas may be temporarily restored as a part of the City of Superior’s Hammond Avenue reconstruction.

The system upgrade involves the replacement of SWL&P-owned water mains and services within the road right-of-way. We shouldn’t have any need to enter your home or business under normal circumstances.

Our priority is to keep disruptions to a minimum, and we expect to complete the switchover from the old pipe to the new pipe and restore service in a timely fashion. We’ll give you advance notice of the temporary disruption in service.

After your service is reconnected, water can sometimes appear cloudy. It is recommended you open your tap for up to 15 minutes until water runs clear.

As part of Environmental Protection Agency regulations that take effect in October 2024, utilities must distribute free water pitchers with filters to customers when they perform work on their water systems to better protect communities from any potential exposure to lead in drinking water. The regulations are part of the federal Lead and Copper Rule.

This easy-to-use Brita Pacifica water pitcher and filter is certified to NSF / ANSI 53 certification. You’ll receive the pitcher and filter when we complete our upgrade and will receive a replacement filter six months later.

To learn more about how we keep your water safe and our ongoing water service line inventory, click here.

For many years, it was common practice for a building’s electrical system to be grounded to the metallic water service. As we replace the old water main and service piping with high density polyethylene pipe, or HDPE, the new piping will no longer provide electrical grounding protection if your home or business is currently grounded to the water service.

  • To avoid the possibility of an electrical hazard for you and your family, as well as to utility workers, the grounding method currently used at your property must be verified prior to the installation of the new HDPE water service to your property line and its connection to your water service.
  • To verify your electrical system’s grounding and make any changes if needed because of the planned water system improvements, you may need to contact a Wisconsin licensed electrician.
  • Any electrical work that may be necessary is your responsibility. You will also be responsible for obtaining proper permits and having the work inspected by the City of Superior.
  • Call SWL&P Customer Service at 800-227-7957
  • Visit the City of Superior's Information Page for this project